You searched for: “more fugacious
fugacious (fyoo GAY shuhs) (adjective), more fugacious, most fugacious
1. Regarding something that passies away quickly out of sight or disappears after only a short time: Styles and vogues of fashion are quite fugacious because there are always new colors, trends, and fads that come directly after each season.
2. In botany, descriptive of a plant or flower that lasts only briefly before withering or dropping off: The queen of the night, or the night-blooming cereus, is spectacular when the blossom opens, but is quite fugacious in that it fades away within a few hours.
Relating to lasting for a very short time.
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Descriptive of going away quickly and being very brief.
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This entry is located in the following units: -acious (page 1) fug-, -fuge, -fugit (page 1)